Sunday, December 1, 2013

Winter is Coming

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Time for updates...

6th grade Math has been reviewing and extending their understanding of Greatest Common Factors and Least Common Multiples, and is beginning to manipulate and compare fractions with Least Common Denominators. Our Wednesday after-school study session has only met once so far, but we practiced graphing and look forward to meeting at least twice this month. These students all worked hard to master data presentation graphs and plots in the past few weeks, which will be very useful when they complete their 8th grade Science Fair projects!

7th grade Science has been exploring heredity and the human genome this month. They recently modeled risk factors for heart disease (genetic and environmental) and found the impact of lifestyle choices to be considerable on the ultimate development of heart disease. Many were surprised that they developed heart disease despite clean living, but more were appropriately sickened by their poor "choices" in behaviors.

Seventh graders are currently thinking about ethical questions related to treatment of genetic disorders, gene therapy, and genetic engineering. Their thought-provoking discussion on where to draw the line was very impressive. These are complex ideas that they are just beginning to consider for the first time. Our chapter test on Modern Genetics is coming up Friday, December 6, so we will see what has percolated through. : )

8th grade is furiously (I hope!) finishing up their Science Fair projects and beginning the data presentation and conclusion portions of their papers. We will begin constructing the presentation boards this week during class and continue re-writing papers right up until the last minute, when they are perfect! Many students have obtained fun and informative results from their experiments. It will be a highly educational school Science Fair on January 15, 2014.

More immediately, 8th grade has been studying chemical reactions, balancing chemical equations, and learning about controlling reactions by different means. A popular "What's that White Powder?" lab gave them an opportunity to play with several household powders and liquids to test for reactivity and identity of different ingredients. They also made a mess of the class room, but science does get messy sometimes. :) They also proved that the specific zip-type bags we use in the classroom are not gas-impervious, allowing CO2 to escape when vinegar reacts with baking soda. It is either that, or Conservation of Matter is a hoax. We are going with the former.

Merry Christmas to All!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Tuesday Students!

Greetings to all my Science students.

This week we will be finishing up our microscopy exploration and studying Cell Structure and Function in 7th grade. You should have finished reading Chapter 1, lessons 1.1 and 1.2. Read 1.3 this week, and 1.4 next weekend, if we are progressing according to plan. We will compare plant and animal cells as we study the basics during the next few days. Next week we will get to introductory biochemistry and then finally to osmosis!

8th will be learning Fundamentals of Matter, starting with measurements and states of Matter, continuing as soon as possible to atoms, elements, compounds, molecules, and the Periodic Table. Read Chapter One in the Chemical Building Blocks book, pages 12-36. This will cover some of the week's material. By next week we will have studied the Periodic Table in more detail.

Welcome back to school. Ready those brain cells for learning!
Hello again 7th and 8th grade science classes, 6th grade math class, and my homeroom students!

Mr. Metzler has been kind enough to set up a blog on which I may post assignments, Science Fair info, and other notable items for my students. Stay tuned (check back regularly) for useful information.

7th Grade: Ask Mom or Dad where you can set up and carry out your Egg-Speriment. The egg won't smell bad (unless you break it after a few days!) but the vinegar may be pungent for the first few days. Cover the jar to minimize odor, but still put it where your folks recommend. You don't want Fido to knock it over or little brother Herman to get into it.

To 8th graders working to understand testable questions, variables, controls, etc.: I am unable to post a link to the PowerPoint I showed in class, because it is on my computer, not on the web. I will get a Google Doc set up soon and we can possibly share documents there. BUT I have printed out the PowerPoint and can provide you with a copy if you feel it would be helpful. Please ask tomorrow in Science class, and I will print out more copies as needed.

Have a great night and start thinking about your project. Maybe you will follow the example of Watson and Crick, creating the overall shape of your science fair project in your sub-conscious! Visualize a top-notch, successful project, and you will create it.

Dr. H