Tuesday, October 7, 2014

7th grade LRC visit to work on "Shine On" PPT

Hello 7th Graders on October 21st,

If you really and truly have finished your PowerPoint for Shine On, you will be asked to present in class tomorrow, so it had better be good! Be sure you have incorporated what we learned yesterday from the website

Also check out http://plantsinmotion.bio.indiana.edu/plantmotion/earlygrowth/photomorph/photomorph.html
to view the videos side by side.

Now practice your own presentation (in your head!) and be sure it includes the science you learned from these websites.

Can't wait to see your presentation about your plants and WHY they grew (or didn't) the way they did under different light conditions. Yay!

Dr. Harnois

7th Graders who have completed their Shine On PPT - or who don't have materials with them to work on their PPT - go to the links below to study the chapter material.

Photosynthesis and respiration BrainPop:

On the same link, you may choose the Mitosis BrainPop.

Or you may wish to rewatch the Amoeba Sisters videos about Mitosis and Cancer. We haven't yet watched the DNA replication video, but that can be found on the same page:



Please use headphones, so you don't disturb others who are on different activities.

Thank you!