Thursday, February 13, 2014

Water Unit - Second Computer Day

Welcome back to our water unit, 7th and 8th!

This week in the classroom we relied on information you found online to discuss water issues facing the United States, and some of the factors involved. Now you are going to take a look at water issues in some very different places around the world. We will again share information you are gathering today, and eventually, we will discuss how our problems compare.

Learning objectives for the next few sections include: continuing discovery of facts relating to water shortages; researching water crisis conditions for a country assigned by Dr. Harnois, and recording findings on a worksheet you will be provided. You will then report your findings to the class, who will compile information on five different countries experiencing water crises.

For today, just start at

Click on The Crisis, then look on your left hand side for the menu of water facts. Work your way through this list today, again taking notes on interesting things you learn or find out. Write down anything you might want to share. You will start to recognize some of the facts. Consider economic and children's issues. Start comparing your own water life to those of people around the world. For example: we assume that everyone in the USA has access to clean water from the tap, and everyone has toilets. Is it that way elsewhere? How many people DON'T have access like we do? How does it affect their lives? Is anyone doing anything about it? What is being done, and by whom? Click on Featured Projects to find out more about possible solutions being tried. You will begin to learn about other countries and how they are struggling to provide water for their people.

Mostly, experience and think about the different posts, images, and facts that you find today.

Next week, you will be assigned a specific country to research, so the more you learn now, the better your understanding will be of your assigned country, and the better your eventual presentation will be.

Feel free to go to the previous post and continue perusing water topics on those links, as well.

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