Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hey there, hi there, ho there!

Greetings from the Science (and Math, Religion, and Vocabulary) Classroom

You are seeing fewer (as in: zero) blogs from me because of the ChromeBook Pilot program successfully launched in January at our school. With the availability of individual student computers, online instructions for science class have migrated to Google Classroom. The students use Google Drive and its suite of tools to create original documents, slide presentations, and spreadsheets. All of these can be shared with their classmates and teachers (and parents, if parents have Google Drive installed) directly. Student groups can research and edit the same document at the same time on different computers in the classroom and from their homes.

Google Classroom permits the teacher to post assignments and announcements to the Class Page, so all class members see them as soon as they log in. The Class Page is accessible from any computer at any time, so no more "I didn't know we had to do that" or "my homework buddy didn't tell me/get me the handout/bring my homework downstairs when I was absent." Students can view assignments and obtain shared documents themselves, as well as turning in work online to the teacher. They can't "forget to bring their homework" if the homework is accessible from any computer in the building. The paper and ink saved are a positive step toward cost reduction and resource conservation for all of us. Plus, the increased clarity of communication will benefit both students and parents.

Google Classrooms have been established for all my classes: 7 sciences, 8 sciences, 6 math, and 7 homeroom, religion, and vocabulary. I will keep assignments up-to-date as possible, but keep in mind that due dates sometimes change and spur-of-the-moment assignments crop up, depending on how the class is progressing. Also, not all documents/handouts are available in digital form (yet), and students are still responsible for obtaining and completing all assignments at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we implement our TEC - Technology Enhanced Classroom. This is a PILOT, so not all classes, teachers, and assignments will be available online. Please ask your student for their Google Login ID and password. Yes, they do know them. You probably remember receiving an email with this information from Mrs. Oleski earlier in the school year. You can go to their Classrooms and check for assignments or digital instructions. You are free to see the progress of their work for yourself on their Google Drives. The best way you can help your child is to support their teachers' instructions when they are supposed to use Google, not Word. If they do Word documents at home, they need to upload the files to Drive in order to share them with me and turn them in on Classroom.

We are all learning together! So far, the 7th graders have benefitted the most as they explore water conditions in third world countries and prepare presentations of their own original ideas that just might save the world. The skills needed to research, write, and share digital documents will be invaluable in high school. They are also beginning to develop critical thinking and collaborative skills that will serve them for a lifetime. Ask your seventh grader to show you around Google Drive. They might be proud of their skills and enjoy showing off a bit.

See you on Google Classroom!

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